
Confinement Service

Confinement Services
National Medicine Hall Confinement Center, a 28-40 day experience of postpartum care as if you were at home.

What sets National Medicine Hall Confinement Center apart from others?
Apartment-style confinement center with an entire floor of 12 units, 17 luxurious suites, each with windows, and VIP suites with balconies.
  • Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, experienced pharmacists, registered nurses, dedicated cooks;
  • Spacious personal living space with an individual room, bathroom, living room, and kitchen;
  • Husbands can accompany, and facilities for leisure activities like fitness, swimming pool, sauna, basketball court;
  • Breathtaking views, strict security, beautiful and tranquil environment;
  • Central kitchen and professional baby room;
  • Next to Gleaneagle Hospital;
  • Postpartum care with Italy emsella and vanquish for pelvic muscle and body slimming;